The wondrous life and work of....


Ruben Blanke

On Air

This is a pilot for a animated series about a radio station. Watch Pilot:

Konijn (Rabbit)

Studio C produced and animated this 20 episode 2d animated series for VPRO television. Directed by Peter Zegveld and Dick Hauser. The series was made with classic cell animation technique and it took about 1,5 year to complete. Watch an episode:… Lees verder →

Bastian Music clips

More Bastian Music Video’s Created by: Sandder, Mark van Booren, Simon Claessen, Bas Bron and Myself. Watch ‘Love is incredible’ Watch ‘Paper love’ Watch ‘Anything’

NRA (videoclip)

This video was made for the Dutch punk band NRA. The drawings were made by Peter Pontiac and Roel Smit. Watch this video:

De Kliek

De Kliek (the posse) was an animated series based on the adventures of 4 characters in the Spaarndammerbuurt in Amsterdam, The Spaarndammerbuurt Kliek. The Spaarndammerbuurt Kliek was later renamed and became a legendary dutch hip hop band…… The characters are… Lees verder →

Bastian – you’ve got my love

For some the best Dutch music video ever made. I was responsible for the production and editing. The video is directed by Sandder. Watch the video:

VPRO – Achterwerk artiest

De Achterwerk Artiest (The back of the magazine artist) is a 30 episode animation series about childeren talking about their drawings. The drawings were animated with the voice over of the featured child. ‘De Boef’ is part of one episode…. Lees verder →

Studio C

I co founded Studio C in 1996 as an animation production studio. I got my first big contract with VPRO television to produce a 30 episode animated TV series for children. In the next few years, till 2003, Studio C… Lees verder →

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